ATTNode v3


This is the second redesign of the ATTNode PCB. The size of the v3 is at 37.5x30.5mm. Main difference to the previous versions is the usage of the new ATTiny 3216 MCU. This Chip is quite a bit more powerfull and also has more IO-cabapilities compared to the ATTiny84 used before. The more potent MCU makes it in theory possible to use the full LoRaWAN LMIC (including Downlink, which is not possible on the v1/v2 due to memory/flash size constraints) and also now has HW-Support for Serial UART and I2C among other improvements. The ATTNode v3 is not meant as a replacement for the v2, but an alternative version for applications where the v2 with its ATTiny84 is not enough.

Here are some renders of the final PCB and one of my Prototype Boards:

ATTNode v3 Front Render
ATTNode v3 Back Render
ATTNode v3 Prototype

Parts List / BOM

PCB MarkingPartNotes
D1LED SMD 1206
R1Resistor 100Ω SMD 1206Only if LED is used, choose the value fitting for the selected LED
R2Resistor 47kΩ SMD 1206
C1,C2Capacitor 100nF SMD 1206
ATTiny3216ATTiny3216SOIC-20 Package
RFM95HopeRF RFM95W Module
BAT1CR2032 Battery Holder
ANT1SMA Edge-Mount or u.fl ConnectorIt's also possible to use a simple wire- or coil antenna instead of a connector.
GPIO PinsExposes the IO-Pins of the ATTiny 3216

Here are some links to my usual suppliers for the parts mentioned in the BOM above:

Sensors are usually sourced from Ebay. I buy them from this supplier , which always worked out nicely so far.

There might be cheaper sources for all of the above mentioned components, this list is only for convenience. I’m not affiliated with the suppliers above in any way. If any of the links stops working, feel free to give me a hint, I don’t check them for changes regularly.

Assembly Hints

My preferred order of soldering the components is:

  1. ATTiny3216 (Pin 1 is marked with a white Dot on the PCB - align the marking on the ATTiny with the Dot)
  2. LED, Resistors, Capacitors (LED polarity matters, the cathode has to point towards the RFM95W)
  3. RFM95W (pads are marked on the PCB, align accordingly)
  4. Antenna Connector (if used)
  5. Battery Holder (backside)
  6. Sensor Module Mounted on Standard 2.54mm-Pitch Headerpins
  7. Wire-/Coil Antenna (if no Antenna Connector is used)

A general hint for soldering SMD parts: Use enough flux (I personally use a flux pen with liquid flux, but the type doesn’t matter as much). It really helps to prevent solder bridges especially between the ATTiny84 Pins and helps to achieve better/prettier solder joints in general.

Programming and Firmware

The firmware for the ATTNode v3 can be found in this Git Repository . It does support the basic functionality (Deepsleep, LoRa OTAA Activation, Setting Send Interval via Downlink, BME280 and SHT21 Sensors) and is usable as a starting point for implementing support for other sensors. Right now it does not have all the functionality and documentation of the v1/v2 firmware.


There are two known Case Variants available at the moment:

  • My original design (see Downloads below), which is mainly meant for ATTNodes with a directly attached BME280 / SHT21 and a coincell battery
  • The modular case desing from itsybitsy here on Thingiverse which can accomodate addon boards and has modular parts for additional sensors and a AAA battery case
